pandanus benefits to relieve stress

Benefits of fragrant pandanus leaves to release stress

Looking at the pandan leaves that thrives in the yard of the house makes me interested to raise the issue of this multi benefits plant, have a typical green color and has a fragrant scent when boiled, commonly used for natural fragrances in foods and beverages. behind the beautiful look pandanus leaves have amazing benefits, especially to release the stress problem, why? because pandan leaves have a relaxing effect. 

What is fragrant pandan leaves and what are the benefits???

fragrant pandanus has a latin name (Pandanus amaryllifolius) which we will review today, pandanus trees usually grow in a cool place, especially in a humid environment and very much encountered in tropical environments such as in Indonesia and surrounding countries, which is useful from this plant is the leaves, has a characteristic that is easily recognizable fragrant when we squeeze the leaves, and the color is green very refreshing. Pandanus fragrant leaves commonly used by the community as a natural fragrance on cake, natural fragrances food, pandan leaves are also use as natural fragrance on the ice mix.

Behind all that there is a secret hidden from pandan leaves, what is it? Beverages that use the natural scent of pandan leaves are always in demand, Why? because the side effects of pandan leaves is very easy to feel, shortly after drinking pandan leaves, you will feel the mind that is free from stress, body becomes relaxed, nervous go away and it all happens without us knowing.

Another benefit of pandan leaves is as a natural green dye, foods that use the green color of this leaf is very interesting, why? because the resulting color gradiation is very contrast and always impressed natural.

Benefits of pandanus leaves for health  :

Benefits of pandanus fragrant leaves to cope with stress and anxiety, pandan leaves contain tannin substances, the benefits of this compound is to calm the mind and release stress, the complete content of pandan leaves are as follows  :
  • tannins
  • saponins
  • flavonoids
  • alkaloids
  • pigment
How to make natural drinks reduce stress  :
  • provide 4 pieces of pandan leaves
  • do not forget to wash and dispose of dust, dirt that stick
  • boiled pandanus leaf with 2 cups water (400cc)
  • let it boil and reduce its dose to 1 cup (200cc)
  • cool, then strain and drink at once.
  • Do this 2-3 times a day until the feeling of calm.
Drinking potion pandan leaves herbs regularly, this will improve the quality of your sleep, and of course pandanus leaf tea will make you avoid the problem of insomnia, the use of pandan leaves as a natural sedative began to be widely discussed in various forums and health blogs.

Whether there are other prescriptions to deal with stress, insomnia, anxiety, worry and similar problems with pandanus leaf??
The answer!!! of course there is, and that is very effective
What is that?
How to?

first, provide 4 pieces of fragrant pandan leaves
then brewed with hot water
input into the glass
grab the potion and look for the empty room
sit cross-legged, then put the pandan leaves stew right in front of you
close your eyes, and meditate
- Inhale and exhale long
- try to concentrate fully
- focus your mind, try to calm down and relax
- do before and after activities, both morning and night

Fragrant scent of pandan leaves brings a relaxing effect will calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and help release the stress naturally.

must be known .. >> 3 secret detox recipes body naturally