facts about indonesian tea are beneficial to health and beauty

Fact Tea Indonesia, Benefits and Properties For Natural Medicine And Beauty Treatment

Tea is a common thing in Indonesia, this drink is always there in every house, every family must present this healthy drink, tea has been entrusted, one of the most easily seen example if you eat at a roadside stall, you will be asked to drink warm tea or cold tea, especially in the Java area, both served into sweet tea with a mixture of sugar or bitter tea, all of which free,  if not free is very cheap about 2000 rupiah, so if you pay with a dollar you will get approximately 5 -6 cups of tea, and you need not be surprised, explanation I will review in this article completely to complete.

Introduction of tea has occurred since a long time, since the colonial era of the Dutch colonial era. Another introduction of tea to foreign countries occurs when traders from arab and china come to the homeland, since then also people from outside Indonesia know various types of tea. Tea is one of the most valuable commodity materials, and has an exchange rate, because it was still using a barter system, then came merchants from arab, china which aim trade, and there was exchange of goods, the Indonesian kingdom barter spices, tea and commodity goods which is in Indonesia with typical arab mat, china typical urn, and other items. 

Then other countries that introduce this tea is the Portuguese nation, followed by the Dutch, even the English country also had enlivened the circulation of fragrant tea from Indonesia, the completeness of tea, the distinctive taste, the fragrant aroma, and khasiatnya already known to all corners of the world, make Indonesia colonized for some time, in addition to the richness of its spices, Indonesia is very rich in the variety of tea plants, almost all types of tea is in this fertile soil. No wonder the country in Southeast Asia has become one of the largest exporting tea in the world.

Why tea is so cheap in Indonesia? The answer is that in almost every corner and on every island you will encounter another green hill of tea plantation, and tea factory factory managed by government and individual. The cool climate, the fertile soil, the vast mountains become one of the factors supporting the success of Indonesian tea imports abroad. Each area has a different name and type, one example of mountain tea haze ... This tea thrives in tea plantations halimun tea in sukabumi - west Java, there is also a cikuray tea that grows in the mountains of tea tea near the mountain cikuray arrowroot, other tea plantations there are areas of bandung, in ciamis area panjalu, cianjur area, ciater, cicagak, cipasung, wood aro-jambi, not to mention the middle Java and East Java, and other islands island.

For this type of tea planted is very diverse, ranging from green tea, black tea, jasmine tea, red tea, teak leaf tea, soursop leaf tea, flower tea shoes, rosela tea, ashitaba tea, rose bud tea, tea coffee leaves and others, the following types and benefits of tea in Indonesia:

Original Green Tea Indonesia
Now that green tea is at the top of the search, people are looking for properties and green tea content to overcome their health problems, after much research on the benefits of detoxification, to care and beauty care with this green herbal tea. Green tea is one of the most sought-after favorite drinks on the internet, here are the facts and benefits of green tea  :

  • to lose weight is very suitable healthy diet is highly recommended
  • to detox the toxins in the body
  • prevent alzeimer
  • prevent Parkinson's
  • rich in antioxidants, useful for the control of free radicals
  • has a distinctive color and arena
  • maintain skin health
  • to overcome acne
  • reduce heart disease
  • prevent cholesterol
  • avoiding the risk of hair loss
  • improve the performance of brain ability
  • prevent the formation of kidney stones
  • get rid of headaches
Benefits of green tea and fact tetangnya for health and beauty, for processing this tea is very simple now a lot of green tea products sold in the market whether it is a powdered tea that has not been packaged, or some are already packed and labeled as green tea heads djenggot, green tea bottle cap and others are in if the tea is also very much dyed, with affordable and diverse prices.

Diet or lose weight naturally with green tea is effective able to burn 40 calories in each consumption of 250 ml of tea, but if you routinely in consuming green tea thats will be very helpful. To overcome acne with green tea how to do ??? use green tea for face mask, use regularly and periodically, it will make acne go and skin smooth and toned face. Consumption of green tea regularly every morning better, it will help the detoxification process of toxins in the body naturally.

Benefits of jasmine tea for health

Jasmine tea, of course you are well acquainted with this one herbal drink, a delicious flavor typical of fragrant jasmine flower, because it is made directly from the blend of jasmine and green tea, what about the benefits for health? of course very efficacious, the benefits of green tea has been discussed earlier, while the benefits of the most famous jasmine is the best anti-depressant, therefore after drinking this tea you will feel the freshness of mind, heart and of course make you healthy because it can keep you from stress .

Another benefit of jasmine tea is able to stimulate sexual arousal, because it contains aphrodisiac substances whose benefits lead to that direction. this complete benefit of jasmine tea:

- Maintain cardiovascular health and blood vessel health

from the results of research conducted in the United States, this tea has properties that can help lower cholesterol levels, and increase HDL cholesterol, therefore the content of polyphenols in green tea, in protect body caused by cell damage and free radicals, in addition to the benefits of antioxidants in this herbal tea plays an important role in preventing the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

- Increase consentration
- increase alertness
- prevent cancer
- able to improve the metabolic system

able to overcome drowsiness, it is perfect if you will drive, because green tea which is a mixture including a stimulant. therefore you should first consult if you have health problems that can be active with stimulants.

then how much you can consume jasmine tea in a day ??

dosing rules and the amount you are allowed to consume jasmine tea in recommended daily is 2 - 3 glasses per day, that is for adults, this dose is highly recommended because there are 240-320 mg of polyphenols in 3 glasses of green tea or jasmine tea.

What is white tea ??
What are the health benefits of white tea?
why is the price of white tea so expensive?

White tea is one type of limited edition tea is none other than the type of tea with the most expensive price in Indonesia, Why the price is quite expensive ?? it is caused by a long manufacturing process is different from other teas such as green tea or black tea, besides that makes the price is the quality and benefits of white tea for beauty and health is very complete, following the benefits of complete white tea  :

  • very effective weight loss, therefore white tea is an herbal drink that is suitable to do a healthy diet and recommended
  • very nutritious for healthy skin, drinking white tea regularly every day or every week will make your skin stay healthy and well groomed, white tea is highly recommended in the world of herbal health. Contains antioxidants and has properties that can help improve skin rapidly, other benefits of this limited tea can protect the skin from the adverse effects of ultraviolet light.
  • able to prevent cancer risk, reported by the journal Cancer Prevention Research, white tea is more effective in mengahancurkan cancer-causing cells than green tea, because white tea also has a very effective properties to destroy cancer-causing cells
  • maintain bone health
  • White tea also has anti-inflammatory properties
  • white tea for heart health
  • able to increase energy
  • the efficacy of white tea to maintain healthy digestive organs
  • as a natural detox drink that is very efficacious and efficacious
The long and tiring process that passable farmers to get the best tea that can overcome various diseases starting from the process of picking the tea leaves, which makes it different is the process of picking when the weather is fitting, meaning not after rain and only taken from the top of the best tea leaves, one of the best white tea producers in West Java, because the cool climate and refreshing temperature make the fertile tea plantation pasundan. The next process is drying, white tea is dried directly under the sun and usually takes days depending on temperature and weather, according to the head of the tea booth promotion section of Indonesia, Ratna Somantri white tea is the result of tea plant silver tips and white peony made from one shoots and two leaves underneath, different process and workmanship that makes the price soar high in the market, not to mention keeping tea not oxidized, the other is to keep the quality of white tea leaves to keep buds, even after so, one thing again you should know is the highest content of antioxidants compared with other teas.

The origin of white tea itself originally from the country of bamboo curtain aka China, this type of tea has existed since five thousand years ago since the time of emperor shen nung, according to a story I get from various sources that I read, white tea found by accident, when the emperor sanga travels and thirst, then the white tea leaves fly and falls into the pot of water, a short story he drank the water from the pot and found a unique flavor, sanga emperor also ordered the bottom to find out what leaves into the drinking water, and it is known that it is white tea leaves, since then white tea began to be widely consumed and known by the public, until this information comes to us as a reader at home.

Benefits of Black Tea And Its Content

It's no secret, besides kenya, Indonesia is one of the best black tea producers in the world, distinctive aroma, viscosity, very clear and recognizable color and amazing benefits in the world of herbal medicine to make black tea become one of the most sought after primadona in this world. Here are the complete benefits of black tea in the world of herbs are widely known among the community :

  • lower cholesterol risk
  • overcome asthma
  • maintain oral health
  • improve health and heart function
  • improve and maintain bone health
  • prevent the dangerous diseases of diabetes
  • lower the risk of kidney stones
  • drink to cope with stress
efficacy of black tea herbal drink, then why black tea is highly recommended ?? it is because the content is in it, black tea type has a lower content than coffee, in addition to herbal tea is widely used as this drug has a relaxation effect so powerful to overcome stress due to work load, then is the content of antioxidants and phytonutrients in charge to clean bacteria and toxins in the body. What about the taste and aroma of black tea ??? Black tea has a very distinctive scent, the taste is also very unique, different from the type of green tea or red tea.

cleaning bacteria, because it is widely used for natural detoxification
You often see this tea variant, it is known that black tea is derived from camellia sinesis plant, the process of making black tea is not much different from the type of green tea or red tea, which starts from the process of picking, drying and steaming almost the same, the color black on tea this is produced because of the oxidation process, and will be allowed to be brown to black, so we know it by the name or the term black tea.

Red Tea (Rosella Tea)

Red color produced without dye which means red tea from rosella material is very natural, certainly has a myriad of properties that have been knows and not only famous in Indonesia, but to foreign countries. By consuming red tea makes the body always fit, always looks young, and certainly have medicinal properties, the following benefits of red tea for health  :
  • digestion, including a bowel movement
  • helps detoxify toxins in the body naturally
  • contains a lot of vitamin C content
  • blood circulation
  • overcome migraine
  • nourish the eyes
  • relieve cough
  • normalize high blood pressure
  • smooth the skin
  • balancing weight, very effective for diet
  • to Overcome Cholesterol Problems
  • overcome hypertension
  • treat kidney stone disease
  • effective for ulcer treatment
  • seizure holder
  • relieve chronic cough
  • helps reduce the viscosity or blood viscosity
Red tea comes from rosella, red tea is very special because this tea is able to ward off free radicals, besides red tea is effective in lowering high cholesterol, hipertension, prevent the growth of cancer cells, osteoporosis and various other health problems that I mentioned earlier. What about the price of red tea on the market? For the price is very relative and affordable, you can order red tea products in various online stores, now many are selling this product, both in the form of extracts, powder and also still shaped powdered tea.

Tea Coffee Leaves

One of Indonesia's richness is also widely known to the world community is coffee, proven coffee the best coffee produced in Indonesia, one example is coffee mongoose, coffee plantations just like tea garden almost can be found in every archipelago, and each region has its own specialty coffee, respectively.

Coffee is also one of the legacy left by the ancestors, coffee plantations that have existed since hundreds of years ago, most of the best coffee garden is managed by state-owned or state-owned companies. back to reviews,  tea leaves coffee is a legendary beverage from Indonesia, its benefits for health no doubt, coffee coffee famous from indonesia such as gayo coffee from aceh, coffee kerinci, coffee sidakalang and others, coffee coffee is very famous to foreign countries , there is also a very distinctive lampung coffee with a bitter taste, while coffee wamena and papua coffee is known with a sense of sourness. Processed tea leaf coffee is the most typical is in the area of west sumatra in Payakumbuh not far from the famous road nine, curving road twists with stunning scenery.

Tea made from coffee leaves is very loaded with efficacy that works for herbal treatment, here's a complete explanation of the benefits of tea coffee leaves  :
  • Coffee leaf tea is very effective to treat diabetes 
Diseases that many in the natural by people who really like sweet foods and sweet drinks, this disease can raise the blood sugar levels of a person in his body. Do not worry about this problem, the natural treatment of diabetes can be done regularly consume tea leaves coffee, because this herbal tea can reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus.
  • Treating ulcer disease
one more astonishing, coffee leaf tea is able to relieve pain due to ulcer disease. eat regularly, due to bad habits and lifestyle, especially the diet of ulcer disease originated.
  • launching the respiratory tract
  • increase energy
  • anti-inflammatory
  • rich in antioxidants
  • can reduce the risk of cholesterol
  • less caffeine
  • prevent cancer
  • lowering high blood pressure
  • prevent heart disease
How to taste tea coffee leaves ??

Actually the taste is very difficult to explain, because the taste is relative, but from all those who have been drinking this tea say it feels very grounded which means no bitter tea and not as strong as coffee, as it is roughly, most people just focus on coffee alone, but who would have thought the leaves more efficacious, reported daily, coffee leaves can reduce the risk of heart disease and overcome diabetes.

Dr Aron Davies, a botanist reported that seven coffee species contain mangiferin, a substance believed to reduce cholesterol, protect the brain's nerves, and lower the risk of diabetes. Coffee leaves also have high levels of antioxidants that can prevent heart disease and cancer

Next, Dr. Aron Davies, states that 7 species of coffee contain mangiferin, of course the benefits for cholesterol treatment, reduce the risk of diabetes and as a protective nerve brain, other properties are as a protector of cancer and heart disease prevention

his other research on coffee leaves was a scientist at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew along with scientists from Montpellier, France. They claimed that coffee leaf tea contains many antioxidants and less caffeine, the other advantages of herbal drink coffee leaves are as anti-inflammatory.

You want to feel the Kawa tea, or tea leaves coffee that is made directly traditionals ?? come to Indonesia, precisely the area of west sumatra, just ask there tea famous coffee leaves, and they will show the way to get there.

Teak Leaf Tea
The next type of tea is a tea that crowded some time ago, tea is widely used for the diet because it contains anthranoids, reduce cholesterol and clean up dirty blood. People usually only use teak leaves as food packs, but behind the traditional function there is a big secret, which is now widely known by almost some people. teak tree has the Latin name ectona grandis, found in many south east and south asia area, besides indonesia there also in malaysia, india, myanmar and neighboring country

This tree is famous for its very sturdy wood, durable and able to survive until tens or even hundreds of years, therefore also home furniture made from genuine teak wood has a very high price, main benefit of this herbal tea is to improve the body's metabolic system, which is why this healthy drink is very effective as a natural slimming very fast in losing weight and overcome the fat in the body

Contains antioxidants that can help prevent diabetes, unfortunately until now there has been no clinical research of the benefits of teak leaves. Some people who do drink teak drink tradition claim to be fluent bowel movement and decrease appetite.

other indonesian traditional tea is  :
hibiscus tea >> click here for reviews
rose bud tea or rose tea
soursop leaf tea
Moringa leaf tea
tea leaves breadfruit
lemongrass tea
yellow tea

Yellow Tea

Yups ,, yellow tea is also one of the special edition tea which means can not arbitrarily easily find this tea in the market, the price is also pretty good. For the problem of quality yellow tea no doubt, different processing makes this tea is also different, that is the slower drying process.

Olive Leaf Tea

Olive olive or olive leaf tea has many benefits for health, contains the efficacious anti-bacterial properties against viral infections, the use of olive leaf tea to cope with stress and depression is also very effective, why? because the nature of this tea helps calm the mind and prosper the body.

In addition to many sold with packets of sachets, you can also make your own olive herbal tea, provide some olive leaves, then boiled with 2 glasses of water, let it into 1 cup (200cc) the next process is the addition of honey to add a distinctive flavor in olive tea.

Consume for 15 consecutive days on a regular basis, this is the benefits of olive tea  :
  • - has anti-inflammatory properties
  • - useful for lowering cholesterol levels
  • - inhibition and prevention of cancer
  • - efficacious for bone growth
  • - has an excellent antioxidant effect
  • - are antiviral and anti-bacterial
  • - helps maintain weight and lose weight
  • - effectively lowers blood pressure
  • - treatment of cold
  • - strengthens the immune system
  • - prevent osteoporosis
  • - first aid of sinusitis, pneumonia, and sore throat.
In olive leaf contains oleuropein content is able to relax the blood vessels, lower blood pressure and even prevent the formation of blood clots. In addition, olive leaves also help to stop irregular heartbeats, increase blood flow in the coronary arteries and balance blood sugar levels.

In olives there is a very unique feature that makes the leaves very effective in combating various micro-organisms such as bacteria and viruses, these compounds act only against micro-organisms, actually achieving what antibiotics can not achieve - targeted attacks from problems instead of attacking microorganisms along with the body. These substances damage the ability of viruses to make amino acids, thus preventing their ability to reproduce and multiply.

Substance that is on the olive leaf also plays an important role in neutralizing the action of free radicals, and there are many other benefits of olive leaf tea that we will review on another occasion.

Soursop Tea for Natural Health Treatment

Benefits of soursop leaf tea would have been global, processed soursop leaves are very complete, from the powder, capsules, soursop leaf extract, in the form of tea bags, in the form of syrup and others, why ?? certainly because the efficacy and its usefulness in treating various diseases and health problems is very effective.

How to choose excellent leaves to be made into high quality herbal teas ??
Selection of leaf age determines the quality of decoction of soursop leaf, choose leaves that are not old, but not also young, so the leaves that are between the two, From the selection will produce the color and aroma of a very distinctive tea, and of course with a very comparable quality to the processing.

Processing of soursop leaves before becoming a high-efficacious herbal tea, after the picking process, then wash the soursop leaves, then boil 5-10 sheets of soursop leaves with 6 glasses of water, let it boil and water to half, (3 cups), drink 3 times in a day.

Why soursop leaf tea is so useful to overcome various disease problems in the body ??
Questions like this are common, but the answer will make the soursop leaves very unusual, this is the cause of soursop leaves have a lot of benefits.

Want to know?? all because of the soursop leaves have a very complete content, therefore soursop leaves can prevent health problems that are even very feared, namely as cancer prevention, the complete content of soursop leaf tea  :
  • Coreximine
  • Annohexocina
  • Lipid
  • Annomuricina A, B, C and E
  • Atherospermine
  • Annomutacina
  • Anoniine
  • Annopentocinas A, B and C
  • CLA
  • lactones
  • Muricoreacina
  • Gigantetronemina
  • Gentisic Acid
  • Murihexocina A and C
  • Lignoceric acid
  • Javoricina
  • Isoquinoline
  • stearic acid
  • Anonaine
a study proves that in soursop leaves contain compounds that have been proven 10,000 times stronger than Adriamycin (chemotherapy drugs) in slowing the growth of cancer cells. Researchers at The National Cancer Institute also found that the leaves of this plant can effectively attack and destroy cancer cells. Unlike chemotherapy, these compounds selectively attack and kill cancer cells only, without harming healthy cells. Nevertheless, the drug company is more research on compounds that can be derived from soursop to treat cancer.

soursop leaf is also known as anti diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and anti hypertension, low sodium and high potassium soursop leaves, this tea consumption will help lower high blood pressure.

Side effects Excessive Tea Consumption  :

each type of tea has different side effects, there are also tea no side effects for health. But the most common of the frequency you drink tea is making yellow teeth (yellowing).

We will review in another opportunity, hopefully this article can add to your insight about the tea, the type, the benefits of herbs produced, and side effects if too much consumption of tea, etc. Thank you for visiting, do not forget to keep our support by clicking on existing ads on the side bar, thats very valuable for the continuity of this blog.