various types of roots and its benefits for health

The benefits of root herbs for health

There will be no end to talking about herbs, this time blog perrycantigi review about the benefits of some types of tree roots that have efficacy for the treatment and healing of various diseases, root is a vegetative part of plants other than the twigs and other parts, the presence of roots in plants has a very important role. because the roots of plants also can stand upright and grow, it is a root function for plants, but that is not the theme of today's discussion, for the theme of this article is the benefits of different types of plant roots for the treatment of various diseases naturally.

Some types of roots have benefits for treatment  :

  • roots of papaya - (Carica papaya)
  • root of yellow wood - (Cladrastis kentukea)
  • root of moringa - (Moringa oleifera)
  • root of vetiver - (Chrysopogon zizanioides)
  • root pule - (Alstonia scholaris)
  • roots of cogon grass  - (indonesia - alang-alang) - (Imperata cylindrica)
  • roots of brotowali - (Heart-leaved moonseed) - (Tinospora cordifolia)
  • root of vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) (indonesia - akar wangi) 
  • root of Cheese fruit (mengkudu) (Morinda citrifolia)
  • turmeric
  • lempuyang (Bitter ginger)
  • root of coconut tree
  • root of breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) 
  • ginger
  • root of bangle
  • kencur or galanga (Kaempferia galanga) 
  • temulawak (sunda - koneng gede) (Curcuma zanthorrhiza) 
  • temu hitam (java - temu ireng ) (Curcuma aeruginosa)
  • Laos plant (Greater Galangal)
The plant roots we mentioned above are few, there are many other plant roots that have herbal benefits as natural remedies to overcome various illnesses we have not yet written, whether herbal treatment with plant roots is something new ????? 

The answer, of course not..!! the treatment of disease with the root of plants, whether boiled, dried, made tea, and other ways is something that our ancestors have done since ancient times, but now more convincing because in follow with various studies. The benefits of the study undertaken are the clarity of the content of the root of the tree, and clarify its benefits for the treatment of specific diseases.

some of the benefits of herbal plant roots to treat diseases  :
  • Benefits of papaya root
Treat rheumatism
Treat bladder pain
Treat worms
Treating kidney disease

  • Benefits root of breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis)
Overcoming skin diseases
Treat mild burns
Heals boils
Prevent the onset of cancer cells
Reduces tumor risk

  • Benefits of Vetiver
as a natural fragrance
overcome high blood pressure
overcome gout
overcome the stiff
treat wounds
overcome swelling
treat hot fever
overcome bad breath
kidney stone medicine
eliminating dandruff and lice
powerful treat rheumatism naturally

  • Benefits of temulawak (Curcuma zanthorrhiza)
reduce arthritis
lower blood fat
overcome stomach disorders
to overcome digestive problems
to detox the toxins in the body
maintain liver function
to launch breast milk
powerful against cancer

  • Benefits of coconut roots in herbal medicine
to overcome the itch
overcome diarrhea
powerful overcome hemorrhoids and stomach pain
overcome the fever

  • Turmeric benefits
prevent Alzheimer's
treat typhoid
reduce the risk of diabetes
prevent anemia
prevent leucorrhoea
overcome skin diseases like itchy itching
prevent cancer

It's just a few example, for of application will we explain one by one in the post, from how to create, how to choose materials, dosage, until the way of processing, and others we will discuss in the post on blog perry cantigi, hopefully the information we provide can be useful for you, Thank you for coming.

next :  leaf benefits for natural remedies and beauty treatments