benefits of hibiscus leaves and flowers

Full review of the benefits and content of hibiscus

Hibiscus plants usually grow in tropical climates, have a red floral character, some are pink, and some other types such as yellow hibiscus flowers, and also white, usually hibiscus cultivated for the purpose as an ornamental plant, and usually planted at garden home. this is what you need to know, behind the beautiful flowers, hibiscus plants have a million benefits for health and beauty, leaves and flowers are included into the type of medicinal plants, and commonly used as herbal remedies to overcome various health problems.

No many know that hibiscus or that has a Latin name (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.) has a lot of benefits and uses for medication and beauty treatments, such as hibiscus leaves that can be used to overcome the problem of dandruff crust, flower hibiscus that has at least 11 health benefits, dan for beauty treatment naturally, including  :
  • lower bad cholesterol levels
  • strengthen the immune system
  • to protect liver function
  • hibiscus flower tea as a natural medicine hypertension
  • expedite the digestive system
  • hibiscus flowers to treat acne naturally
  • prevent hair loss
  • calms the nervous system
  • hibiscus flower tea as an energy-boosting drink
  • able to lose weight
  • as an anti-cancer health drink
  • able to treat diabetes
  • to get rid of toxins in the body

How to make hibiscus tea from A to Z  :

  • first, pluck hibiscus flower that will bloom or moderate bloom
  • then wash, clean off the dust and dirt that stick
  • cut into small pieces (2-3 cm in size)
  • the next process is drying, drying the hibiscus flowers that have been cut, usually requires 2-3 days, sometimes 1 day during the hot weather
  • after dry you only need to boil herb herbal tea of hibiscus 
  • If you have leftovers hibiscus tea, store in an airtight container, to protect its quality

How to boil hibiscus flower tea  :

  • bring to a boil or provide hot water
  • brewed hibiscus flower tea on the teapot
  • to add a sweet taste you can add honey or white sugar
  • when pouring on a glass do not forget to filter tea hibiscus flowers
  • jreng jreeng ,,, you can enjoy it
Lowering high blood pressure (hypertension)
From the results of american hearth association studies turned hibiscus tea is able and very effective to overcome hypertension, the content of hibiscus work is optimal to normalize blood pressure. consumption of hibiscus tea regularly 3 cups a day, articles on lowering high blood pressure with hibiscus tea published in november 2008

Hibiscus tea is very effective to lower cholesterol levels

There have been many studies conducted to examine hibiscus plants, and from the results of the study Chung Shan Medical University, one of the leading universities in Taiwan states in the hibiscus contained antioxidants are very useful and has an effective role to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides in the body

How to overcome dandruff with hibiscus leaves
  • take 7-10 pieces of hibiscus leaves
  • provide containers and water input sufficiently
  • then knead the hibiscus leaves earlier
  • strain and use as shampo, wipe on your hair and massage your scalp, especially on the part of the dandruff crust
  • let stand 10-15 minutes, let the existing content in the hibiscus leaves seep on the scalp and work to treat as well as eliminating dandruff crust
Hibiscus tea, a natural remedy for hair loss

Benefits of regular consumption of hibiscus tea one of them is able to maintain healthy hair, in addition to that way, you can also make herbs to overcome hair loss from flowers and hibiscus leaves, the way is as follows:

picked up a few sheets of flowers and leaves of hibiscus
then boiled, chill and wash your hair with boiled water of hibiscus earlier

Hibiscus as a natural acne remedy

Acne is not harmful to health, it's just disrupting and reducing the level of confidence, therefore we tell a secret to solve this problem.

Hibiscus is one of the most effective ingredients to treat acne, how to make it ??
soak the hibiscus in water for a few hours and then puree into a paste. Mix with honey and apply on acne prone skin. very simple and easy, you just need to make routine use this way, for faster and effective healing process

Hibiscus tea as a natural antidepressant

drinking hibiscus tea will make the mind calm and avoid stress, why? because in this tea contain flavonoids and has a calming nature of nerves, relieve anxiety, and have a relaxing effect

Hibiscus flower tea as an anti aging agent

antioxidant content is not only effective in killing free radicals in the body, but it is very efficient to prevent signs of premature aging such as wrinkled skin, which is why hibiscus flowers are widely used as a material to treat facial beauty

Hibiscus tea natural medicine sore throat due to inflammation and cough

Side effects of hibiscus tea consumption

But there are some things you need to consider the side effects of excessive consumption of hibiscus tea, as follows:
  • not recommended for pregnant women
Its emmenagogue effect that can stimulate menstruation or blood flow in the uterus or pelvic area. For those who undergo hormone therapy or taking birth control pills, if you want to consume herbal tea from hibiscus flowers you should do first consultation with health experts
  • - not recommended for people with low blood,
 as you know, hibiscus tea is very effective to overcome high blood pressure, but if the consumption is excessive, especially by people who have a history of low blood disease, it will cause its own problems.
  • some have problems with allergic reactions to hibiscus tea, one of them is red itchy eyes, fever or sinuses.