benefits and content of aloe vera to treat facial beauty

White, Toned And Always Looks Youthful With A Natural Mask Of Aloe Vera

Herbal plants that have many uses as natural ingredients to treat the face and have the benefits to overcome the health problems are very extraordinary efficacious, that's a brief description of aloe vera. All the benefits of aloe vera assured with various research and clinical trials, as another proof that aloe vera is very efficacious is the rise of beauty products that use aloe vera composition and they claimed to be able to overcome various skin problems, such as to moisturize facial skin, whiten face, (day and night), anti-aging cream, as body lotion, some are made into soap, and various type other.

I guarantee, there will be some questions in your mind....!!
what comes to mind in your mind right now is, "that's right, almost all products for beauty contain aloe vera, and everything is very sold.

why is that?
what is the content of aloe vera?
what is the benefit of the tongue?
why most of the best-selling face care products use aloe vera as the main ingredient?

That's why we will discuss the complete review of aloe vera until to the roots, and we will reveal a great secret about aloe vera that until now only a few people who know it. 

Aloe vera plant has a lot of water content in it, when split, aloe vera plant will be like gel, sticky and its color is transparent, beside there are thorns follow the shape and size of aloe vera. One of the great secrets of aloe vera is its use, it turns out herbs that can grow in this arid climate has been widely used since ancient times, ie since the time of the kingdom.

The secret comes to the surface from various sources, according to the data we received, Aloe vera is used to treat the faces of the king's concubines, and this aims to attract the attention of the king, because they always look beautiful and always look young, the faces of the concubines are always attractive and very beautiful to look at, they have a calm aura, And it turns out that all one of the results of the routine of doing face mask with aloe vera before bed. That's why I'm not surprised, if at this time Aloe vera became the prima donna in the world of beauty.

Why aloe vera can be so efficacious to care for the skin???

Aloe vera can be so beneficial because of the content that is in it, the following contents of the complete ingredients of aloe vera  :
  • amino acid content
  • sodium
  • vitamin B6
  • mineral
  • magnesium
  • substances such as enzymes
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin B1
  • calcium
  • potassium
  • polysaccharides
  • vitamin B12
  • vitamin A
  • copper
  • vitamin B2
  • iron
  • vitamin C
  • zinc
  • Niacin
  • folic acid
  • chromium
  • copper
  • have antibacterial compounds
  • has an antifungal compound
  • has antiinflammatory compounds
  • and others.
Very complete, and almost all kinds of vitamins that are very good for the skin is in aloe vera, only vitamin D is not planted this, then, what are the benefits of aloe vera content above ? next  :

Benefits of aloe vera for beauty  :

  • - raised acne scars
  • - remove the black stain on the face
  • - natural skin cleanser
  • - nourish the skin from the outside
  • - disguise black spots without aging on the skin
  • - maintain skin elasticity
  • - overcoming fine lines on the face
  • - lifting blackheads around the nose
  • - overcoming the problem of skin wrinkles in the eye area
  • - inhibits signs of premature aging of the facial skin
  • - helps the regeneration of skin cells
  • - smooth the skin
  • - moisturize the face
  • - treat ulcers
  • - natural face bleach
How to care for the face with aloe vera is very easy, follow the tutorial below  :
  1. picking aloe vera on its stem
  2. then wash, clean from dust and dirt
  3. then split the aloe vera
  4. finally, apply evenly the aloe gel on the face
  5. let stand 15 to 30 minutes
  6. if it is enough, clean your face again
- It can be used to overcome various problems on facial skin, such as to overcome acne scars, tighten facial skin, eliminate blackheads naturally, remove black spots, and others
- Note: do at night before bed, with a face mask night, and do it regularly

The reason why should aloe vera  :
  • to maintain the elasticity and firmness of facial skin, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E present in Aloe vera can help re-tighten the texture of facial skin, especially in the eye area
  • remove scars, and deal with acne scars with aloe vera, yups, Zn content, hormones, enzymes, folic acid, Vitamins A, B, C, E and Ca, it is their duty to remove scar stains and treat wounds caused by acne.
  • natural moisturizer " this tasks handed over to the gel contained in aloe vera, the content of salicylates will be very easily absorbed by the skin, therefore all facial moisturizer on the market using aloe vera as the main material, it is because salicylates are very effective and efficient in moisturizing the face naturally.
  • it's no secret, age is not an obstacle to keep looking beautiful and youthful, be diligent to wear a natural mask of aloe vera, it will help to overcome wrinkles, fine lines, help overcome skin dehydration, and maintain natural skin health. Aloe vera contains antioxidants including, beta carotene, vitamins C and E which can help improve the natural health of the skin and keep the skin from dehydration.
  • Protects skin from the adverse effects of UV rays, mucopolysaccharide content, Zn, vitamin A, B, C, folic acid, vitamin E, enzyme, hormone, and Ca are compounds that play an active role in the healing of wounds caused by sunburn.
In aloe vera there are two different fluids, one is transparent, there is in aloe vera meat, and the second is a yellowish liquid called exudate, a fluid found in the sap, usually easily visible when you cut out the aloe vera.

benefits  :
- clear liquid contains salicylates and has a role as an antifungal and antibacterial fluid.
- yellowish liquid is exudate and has a yellow color, has aloin content

Other Benefits of aloe vera, in addition to beauty   :
  • heals toothache and gums
  • inhibits cancer growth
  • cure menstrual problems
  • relieve muscle aches
  • lower cholesterol
  • heal hemorrhoid
  • prevents swelling of joints
  • reduce nausea
  • increase blood oxygenation
  • reduce blood sugar levels
  • improve digestion
  • reduce arthritis pain
  • prevent oxidative stress
Reduce blood sugar levels

There was already research conducted to determine the content of aloe vera to overcome diabetes, and the results are very satisfactory, aloe vera content in the test in mice that have diabetes, and the results showed a significant treatment

Benefits of aloe vera to increase blood oxygenation

Some studies, it has been reported that aloe vera helps blood oxygenation, blood oxygenation is beneficial to supply CO2 (carbon dioxide) to vital organs.

The extraordinary benefits of aloe vera to inhibit the growth of cancer cells

Quoted International Immunopharmacology (1995), the content of polysaccharides present in aloe vera gel can destroy cancer tumors effectively. Aloe vera polysaccharides contain several effective macrophages that produce large amounts of nitric oxide, which has antitumor potential. besides the benefits can be used as a natural healer of the efeksamping radiotherapy. In naturopathy, there are countless methods of cancer prevention and aloe-based aloe has proven to be one of the most successful

Improve the functioning of the digestive system

Addition to being an antifungal and anti-bacterial, aloe vera also has unique properties that are adaptogenic, so aloe vera is very useful for digestion, by consuming aloe vera juice will help the effectiveness of the absorption of nutrients to be better and also eliminate harmful elements through fine excretion, thus improving overall health. It cures irritable bowel syndrome and makes constipation, piles, and other gastrointestinal conditions damage your system.

how to make a delicious aloe vera juice  :
  • first take some aloe vera (1-2 sticks)
  • then clean off the dirt
  • the next process is stripping, peeled aloe vera, separate the skin and the meat
  • next, input into blender
  • strain, before the process of serving into a glass
  • to make it more delicious and delicious while in drinking, you can add oranges, honey / sugar or can also use an additional material of mint leaves
  • adjust the dose according to the sweet taste you like
  • Another combination is with avocado, you can create your own aloe vera juice, either with mint leaves, shaved ice, sweet orange and various other fruits that nourish the body
  • note: drinking this herb regularly, it is highly recommended for the prevention of various diseases and cure various problems, such as lowering cholesterol, treating ulcers and others
  • Aloe vera juice is highly recommended, why ?? because the regular consumption of healthy juice will help the detoxification process of toxins in the body and able to overcome various digestive problems, such as peptic ulcer or irritable bowel syndrome

Benefits of aloe vera to overcome stubborn dandruff on the scalp

Dandruff is sometimes very difficult to be told to go,   but with aloe vera shampoo, dandruff is an easy thing to overcome, and nothing, how to overcome dandruff with aloe vera   :

- split aloe vera, and use the gel to be used as a scalp medication
- apply evenly on the scalp, it aims to overcome dandruff
- to remove dandruff of the crust, can be processed on the scalp, it aims for antibacterial, anti-fungal and other nutritious content to overcome dandruff to work optimally and seep into the skin pores.

addition to able to nourish the scalp, this way is also very effective for treating hair, including:
  • - Refine hair
  • - soften hair
  • - Overcoming the forked hair
  • - nourishes hair and scalp
  • - moisturize the hair
  • - etc
Benefits of aloe vera for hair and scalp treatment is not something new, this way already exists, and now much evidenced by the abundance of shampoo sold in the market, and it is made of aloe vera, aloe vera shampoo is claimed to be able to overcome the problem I mentioned earlier.

So the article about the efficacy and content of aloe vera, Thank's